# Troubleshooting

Welcome to our comprehensive troubleshooting guide. If you find yourself here, it's unfortunate that you're encountering some problems with our system. However, rest assured, this guide is designed with the intention of helping you resolve those issues. While we're confident that you will find a solution here, there may be instances where a problem proves too elusive; in such cases, please follow the link to the Issue could not be resolved section.

# Known issues

To assist you better, we've compiled a list of known issues that users have reported and we've subsequently resolved. This section may hold the key to your problem, so we highly recommend going through it. Each issue documented includes a thorough explanation of the problem and the solution we've provided. By looking through these, you might find a similar situation to your own, giving you the exact solution you need.

# Issue could not be resolved

We understand that not all problems can be easily resolved, even after consulting a comprehensive guide. If your particular issue persists after going through the entirety of our troubleshooting guide, we urge you to take another step. By using our GitHub issue tracker, you can create a new issue for further investigation. This step ensures your issue is promptly brought to our attention and allows us to work towards a resolution more directly.