# jCloak

JCloak is a software solution for Java developers who want to take their code protection against reverse engineering and piracy to the next level. With JCloak, you can securely hide your Java source codes by encrypting and bundling them, making it difficult to extract and read.

This image might not correctly portray the newest version of JCloak

# Features

JCloak uses encryption techniques to protect the Java code from prying eyes. It provides higher security than traditional obfuscation tools, which often fall short in keeping curious hackers and pirates at bay 🏖

Features JCloak Conventional Obfuscators Native Obfuscators
Make Code Unreadable
Protect Code agains Decompilers () ()
Hide Code ()
Detect Modifications

With JCloak, you can be confident that your Java applications and applets are fully protected while maintaining all functionality. Whether you're an independent developer or work for a large company, JCloak is the additional best layer to protect your Java programs. While obfuscator can only make your code unreadable, JCloak is hiding your code entirely which makes it impossible to decompile. Therefore, JCloak is a perfect addition on top of any obfuscators.

# Interoperable

One of JCloaks key strengths is its interoperability with obfuscators, which allows for an extra layer of security. The seamless integration between JCloak and these obfuscators results in stronger code protection, making it increasingly difficult for unauthorized entities to reverse engineer or tamper with your code. This fusion of technologies ultimately empowers JCloak to provide a more fortified and secure environment for your development needs.

flowchart LR

A[Build] --> B[Obfuscate] --> D[JCloak]

Ensure that JCloak is positioned as the final stage in the sequence to maintain the class name along with its contents without any alterations. Otherwise most obfuscators are incapable of resolving classes they cannot find.

# Samples

Here are a few examples of of JCloak protected Java applications. The samples may not be up to date with the newest JCloak version. Please checkout the changelog to see if an issue has already been resolved and create a report.

Hello World
Snake Game

A Hello World example that uses different methods

helloworld.jar 4.36KB

A Snake game by hexadeciman

SnakeGame.jar 2.84MB